There is a problem:
Our human senses break down the perception of the spacetime continuum into different locations and time periods. Consequently, humans struggle to understand the present, fight about the past, and cannot foresee the future.

The solution:
A remix. A new tape with a selection of the best hits, some of the most important episodes in the human storyline.

This site is a fourth-dimensional portal for time travelers.
The mission of these short essays is to capture timeless ideas about evolution, history, philosophy, technology, and our relationships with other living and dead creatures on this fast-spinning home, Earth.

Anyone can make the simple complicated. Creativity is making the complicated simple.

Charles Mingus

Note from the author

I am Sergio Almécija. Born and raised in Terrassa (Barcelona), I now live in the US and work as a researcher at the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. As a complement to my scientific work in human evolution, in this project, I focus on simplicity. I strive to understand better—and communicate—essential ideas that need reflecting upon more often.

I repost each essay on Facebook and Twitter, which I use as a platform for discussions. I welcome constructive criticism about any aspect of this project (by email). Wish me luck; or better, join the journey!

Yours truly,

Sergio Almécija “at work.” Picture by Matt Shanley.

TIMEremix by Sergio Almécija is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.